Preparation of a Revised Concept Plan for the Glebe Affordable Housing Project, a collaboration between LAHC and the City of Sydney, as part of the Sustainable Sydney 2030 initiative to increase the amount of social and affordable housing in the City. The project aimed to encourage an integrated community incorporating 495 apartments including 91 affordable, 159 social and 250 private market housing apartments.
Glebe Affordable Housing
Concept Plan
Social Housing
Following completion of the master plan, DEM was commissioned to prepare the design and documentation for 159 one and two bedroom apartments. The design approach for the development was to respond to the historical character of Ultimo and Glebe and contribute to the desired future character of the area as a high density urban neighbourhood.
The recently completed development provides social housing for seniors and people with disabilities and was designed to achieve a rating of gold or silver in accordance with the LHA Liveable Housing Design Guidelines.

Project Details
Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC)
& City West Housing
Glebe, Sydney
1.6 ha; 19,370 m² GFA
Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture